42 year old, 5'2", 283 lbs. After 100 lbs of weight loss the patient had an extended abdominoplasty, pubic lift, extended mastopexy, posterior lower body lift, and upper back skin excision.
Case # 1200
Before and after gynecomastia.
Case # 384
Before and after liposuction and gynecomastia.
Case # 385
Vaser Lipo chest, abdomen and flanks.
Case # 52
44 year old who lost 100 pounds and had an abdominoplasty with muscle tightening and gynecomastia surgery with skin excision.
Case # 354
Patient Age: 13
Description: Procedure: Direct excision of RIGHT gynecomastia
Time after surgery: 11 months
Case # 181
Patient Age: 41
Description: Procedure: Power-assisted liposuction of gynecomastia
Time after surgery: 6 weeks
Case # 182
Patient Age: 17
Description: Procedure: VASER of gynecomastia
Time after surgery: 1 month
Case # 183
Age: 50
Treatment: Chest Liposuction
Liposuction Type: Vaser Ultrasonic-Assisted Liposuction
Other Procedure(s): Abdominoplasty and Flank Liposuction
Case # 184
Age: 28
Description: Procedure: 28 year old post 95 pound weight loss and 7 months after VASER liposuction of gynecomastia.
Time after surgery: 7 months