The first surgery was at age 46 with bilateral implant reaumentaiton for capsular contracture. The second surgery was at age 66 with breast implant removal or explant.
Case # 2200
Patient is a 43 year old status post augmentation who developed capsular contracture. She is one year status post open capsulectomy and implant exchange 400cc MPP left and 500cc MPP right.
Case # 361
61 yo who initially underwent subglandular breast augmentation 1992 and presented with Baker 4 capsular contracture. She is now 1 1/2 years post total capsulectomy and reaugmentation in the subpectoral position with 300cc MPP Silicone gel implants.
Case # 358
56yo 2 months post op removal of deflated implant and bilateral reaugmentation with 265cc silicone gel implants
Case # 176
Patient Age: 44
Implant: Silicone Gel, Moderate Profile
Incision Type: Inframammary
Implant Size (Left): 350 cc
Implant Size (Right): 350 cc
Description: Bilateral capsulectomy. Implant exchange from subglandular to subpectoral position.
Case # 177
Patient Age: 32
Description: Procedures: Bilateral capsulotomy; Implant exchange from anatomic textured saline to smooth round silicone implants
Incision: Inframammary
Implants: Silicone, Moderate Profile
Left: 450 cc
Right: 450 cc
Case # 178
85 y/o Bilateral painful capsular contractures, Baker Grade IV
Procedure: Removal of implants and surrounding capsules (open capsulectomy and implant removal).
Case # 179
Patient Age: 50
Description: Procedure:
Bilateral capsulectomy
Implant exchange from subglandular to subpectoral position